Mountain Boy Sledworks Silverton Kicksled
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Siberian Husky Shiloh and Shelby enjoy a Treat *Burp*
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I thought it would be fun to see how long it took Shiloh and Shelby to demolish a dental bone. Of course, it didn't take them long at all!
Thanks for watching!!
Music used with Permission
by Nathan Wills
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Saturday, March 27, 2010
Shiloh & Shelby go to Max's Birthday
First off, I want to apologize for not commenting on everyone's blogs this week, it has been a CRAZY week! Lots going on! We looked a house, thinking about moving, working on stuff for our local shelter, our biggest fundraiser is tonight, so needless to say. . I have been busy! But we want you to know we love you all! And hopefully we will be back to normalish next week. :)
Shiloh & Shelby's Mom
Now enjoy the video!
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To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
Shiloh and Shelby got invited to their first ever Dog Birthday Party!! Oh and what a blast it was!! There was over 16 dogs that attended, 4 of them were from our local shelter. It was nice to see them get out and interact with the people! The party was held at the K-9 Clubhouse, which is the indoor dog park here in our home town.
I think we were at the party for around 2 hours, and we had a blast! So many happy dogs!! Max turned 3 years old. He is the big Black Lab in the video. I will point him out towards the middle. :)
On a side note, I would like to thank you guys for helping me get over 500 subscribers!!!! You are so awesome!!! Thanks so much for supporting us!
Thanks for watching!!
Music used with Permission
by Nathan Wills
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Shelby gets to open a Package!
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After we purchased our Kick Sled, we ordered Shelby a new Crossback Harness. She had never had one before. I wanted to wait until she was full grown before we got her one. So we placed our order, but we didn't do it soon enough! It takes time to make these, and we ended up getting it after the snow in our area had already melted. Granted. . we normally have snow well into April! So here is a short video of Shelby checking out her new present!
And just so you know, Shiloh didn't get forgotten about. She has a harness too!
We got Shelby's Harness from
Thanks for watching!!
Music used with Permission
by Nathan Wills
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Monday, March 22, 2010
Memory Monday - Geocaching!
Have you ever heard of Geocaching? You take this GPS thing, go to, find some numbers, punch them in, and then follow the arrow to the location of the hidden treasure! That's right hidden treasure! These pictures were taken in March of 2005 (Before Shelby!) on one of our caching adventures!
Thanks for Reading!
Love, Shiloh
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Do Huskies Shed?
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So many of you have either messaged me, tweeted me, or commented and ask if Huskies shed. YES THEY DO!! They shed ALOT!! They need to be brushed daily if you don't want to deal with all the hair floating around everywhere! And even if you do brush them daily, you will still have hair everywhere!
One tool I have found that helps me combat the shedding is the Furminator. It's a deshedding tool. Basically what it does is helps brush out the undercoat of the dog. That white fluffy down like fur. If you have a husky, or any dog that sheds alot, I would deffinately advise getting a Furminator!
Thanks for watching!!
Music used with Permission
by Nathan Wills
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Friday, March 19, 2010
In the News - Dog Team Found Thanks to GPS!

Read the Full Story Here
So how many of you have a GPS? We take our dogs out with us with ours all the time! It's so nice to have when hiking with the girls out in the woods! We also do Geocaching! If you don't know what that is, check it out! It's a ton of fun!
Anyway, I read this story today and was just amazed. #1 Rule of Sled Dogging, NEVER LET GO OF THE SLED!!!! heheh This musher feel asleep while driving his sled and his team just took of into the distance. Could you imagine! That would be so scary!!
The musher was fortunately picked up by another team, and he assumed once he got into the next checkpoint that someone would have his dogs, but when he got there, No dogs were found!! His entire team, sled and all was still missing!
All sleds are fitted with GPS technology now, so they tracked the sled and headed towards, it with worry and fear for the dogs. If lines get tangled and no one is around, the dogs might fight and get hurt! Or if they went over an edge, there are so many things that could happen to them!
They went out twice and tried to find the dogs. . and finally. . they saw the sled tipped over in the deep snow. . and there were all the dogs. . right in line, not tangled, sound asleep! The musher uprighted his sled, and got them going and went back to town.
Isn't that just amazing! Go read the full article at the link above. It's a good read!
Shiloh & Shelby's Mom
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Shiloh & Shelby do some Tricks!
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
Our friend HuskyLover127 is doing a contest on her page
And we thought we would support her and make a video of our own for her contest!
Here is a link to the video
Go check it out. We thought it would be fun for everyone! :)
Tricks they did
Sit, Paw, Lay Down, Speak, Paw, Paw, Up Up, Sit, Paw, Laydown, Up Up, Catch
Sit, Paw, Other Paw, Speak, Paw, Other Paw, Sit, Laydown, Speak, Sit, Lay, Up Up, I love you, Catch
Thanks for watching!!
Music used with Permission
by Nathan Wills
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Monday, March 15, 2010
Memory Monday
I forgot it was Memory Monday. . Had a heck of a weekend. . so here is a past Memory in video form!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Shiloh & Shelby go SLEDDING!!!
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
So a few weeks ago we borrowed a Canadian KickSled from a friend of ours. We tried it out and had so much fun with it that we started looking to buy one, well fortunately for us, our friend sold us hers! Shiloh already had a CrossBack Harness, but Shelby didn't, so I ordered a Harness for Shelby, and some lines so they would pull the sled, but as you can see in the video we got anxious before the equipment arrived. Mainly because the snow was starting to quickly melt! We knew we had to at least get out there and try the seld before then!
So we used the Urban Mushing Harness's that both dogs have, and rigged up their leashes to work for pulling. Of course, we could not go for very long because we didn't want the dogs to get injured. But we had a blast! My sister, Rebecca who is in this video, was so excited! First I let her ride on the sled to get a feel for it, then I let her drive it after we tired the dogs out some.
We are hoping to get at least one more good snow storm before winter is officially over!
If you want to buy a KickSled of your own, the one seen in the video can be found at
We also bought and attached the 2 inch Runner Base, which makes the sled go a lot faster!
You can also order lines and such on that site. We orders our lines and harness's from
So a few weeks ago we borrowed a Canadian KickSled from a friend of ours. We tried it out and had so much fun with it that we started looking to buy one, well fortunately for us, our friend sold us hers! Shiloh already had a CrossBack Harness, but Shelby didn't, so I ordered a Harness for Shelby, and some lines so they would pull the sled, but as you can see in the video we got anxious before the equipment arrived. Mainly because the snow was starting to quickly melt! We knew we had to at least get out there and try the seld before then!
So we used the Urban Mushing Harness's that both dogs have, and rigged up their leashes to work for pulling. Of course, we could not go for very long because we didn't want the dogs to get injured. But we had a blast! My sister, Rebecca who is in this video, was so excited! First I let her ride on the sled to get a feel for it, then I let her drive it after we tired the dogs out some.
We are hoping to get at least one more good snow storm before winter is officially over!
If you want to buy a KickSled of your own, the one seen in the video can be found at
We also bought and attached the 2 inch Runner Base, which makes the sled go a lot faster!
You can also order lines and such on that site. We orders our lines and harness's from
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Shiloh goes to the Vet
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
So we took Shiloh for her return vet visit and now you get to see what happened. Basically we didn't find out anything except they want us to spend up to $500 to get a biopsy of her nose to determine exactly what is wrong. The vet was not very reasuring either. She basically said "I don't know". Then she listed off a few things it could be, and then followed them with reasons why they aren't that. So. . . I have no decided what we are going to do yet. She said to continue putting the ointment on her nose, and that maybe it just needed more time to start working. So for now. . we will just keep a close eye on her and do that.
My poor Shiloh!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Memory Monday - An Old Friend
These pictures were taken in Febuary of 2003. They are of an old friend of ours named Torque. We have not seen Torque for almost a year now, and it's time we go pay him a visit. We hear he has a new sister now! These pictures were taken before Shelby came into our lives. Torque used to come up and visit us every few weeks, and we would go down and see him. He is just 1 year younger then Shiloh.

Wasn't he such a beautiful Boy! Before we both got "fixed" we had debated having puppies. But then we remember that there are already WAY to many unwanted huskies in the world. No need to add to the masses!
We LOVED to play!! Of course it was our favorite thing to do!! Bite and bark and talk and howl. We had so much fun together!

Shiloh was even nice enough to share her toys with him!

Yeah, I think it's time we pay him a visit. . Going to have to see when we can work something out. He was deffinately one of our best friends!
Wasn't he such a beautiful Boy! Before we both got "fixed" we had debated having puppies. But then we remember that there are already WAY to many unwanted huskies in the world. No need to add to the masses!
Shiloh was even nice enough to share her toys with him!
Yeah, I think it's time we pay him a visit. . Going to have to see when we can work something out. He was deffinately one of our best friends!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Siberian Husky Shiloh gets to go to the Dog Park!
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
Shiloh did get her chance to go to the dog park! I know the last dog park video we put up some of you didn't understand why I left Shiloh at home. Part of the reason was because I had no idea how Shelby would act at the park. I didn't know if she was going to be good with the other dogs, so I didn't want to try and take on two dogs at once. Once I found out Shelby would be just fine, then I took both of them. And Shiloh just loved it! We are actually headed back there again today!
Friday, March 5, 2010
In The News - Lack of Snow may be an issue for Iditarod
Mushers expect rough ride along Farewell Burn
Could you imagine trying to run the Iditarod with a lack of snow??? It sounds like that is what will be happening this year. There is a place in the race called the Farewell Burn. In 1984 there was a controlled burn in the area, so there are barely any trees, and many stumps that stick up from the ground in the area.
It seems as if last week when the Iron Dog Snowmobile races went threw the area, instead of finding nice white snow, they found stumps and mud! Many of the Snowmobile racers had to stop and pack snow into their machines to keep them from overheating!
Now according to the few articles I have read, this will slow down the dogs, but it shouldn't be as big of an issue for them as it was for the Snowmobiles. Reports say only about 13 miles are snowless, so it shouldn't be that bad. Many of the racers aren't even concerned!
How many of you follow the Iditarod? Does anyone keep up with it? Anyone in particular you are hoping wins this year?
In The News,
Siberian Husky,
Sled Dog Races
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Skijoring & Sledding with Shiloh and Shelby Siberian Husky
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
So we were out to have a bit of fun with the girls this past weekend. The sun was shining to brightly we couldn't pass up the opportunity. First we went Skijoring for a bit. Mind you, this is the first time I was ever on Cross Country Skis! My husband on the other hand, has gone before. We headed out and wow did we have fun! Of course. . . my husband did fall. . heeheh
The next day we decided to go have some more fun. We took a plastic sled and attached it to an old pair of cross country skis and let Shelby pull! WOW she is fast! The downside was, I had to use her Urban Mushing harness, which isn't as good as a crossback harness. Her new harness should be here soon!!
Anyway, enjoy the video! Thanks so much for watching!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Memory Monday
I was going threw some old pictures, and I was thinking back to where we were when we actually got Shiloh. At the time we were living in Tucson, Arizona. I can't even imagine what it would be like if we were still living there! Missing out on the Snow, and all of the winter fun we have with the dogs here! Heck, there would be no Shelby if we never would have moved back home to Michigan!
It has been almost 8 years since we moved back to Northern Michigan. We lived in Arizona for two years. I do not regret it, because we never would have gotten our Shiloh if we wouldn't have lived out there. But I tell you what, we are SO much happier here in Northern Michigan!
Looking at these pictures brings back so many memories! Pulling needles out of Shiloh's feet, Picking Pickers out of her ears, Not being able to walk down the street with her because the pavement was to hot. . yeah. . we don't miss Arizona at all!
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