Sunday, February 28, 2010
A New Friend you guys Should Check out!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
New Camera! Laptop is Back! I love my Siberian Husky
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
I am so happy to have my Laptop Back!! Oh how we missed that! Shelby is so happy I can cuddle on the couch while working once again. Also, if you couldn't tell, the quality of our videos has gotten better. We got a new HD Camcorder. It's a JVC GZ-HD300 and so far I am REALLY happy with it!
You may have noticed I showed a crack in Shiloh's nose. If you are not a follower of our blog, you may not know the story behind her nose. I took her to the vet a few weeks ago for her yearly checkup. Her nose had cracked open just a few days before. The vet said it may be to a vitamin defficiency, but he is pretty sure it's not that because she is on a very high quality food. So have to put A & D Ointment on her nose every few hours. It looks a lot better then it did! She still may have to go back to the vet though.
Friday, February 26, 2010
In The News - Sightless Sled Dog Mushes On!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Huron Humane Society of Alpena
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Play date with Sunshine! St. Bernard and Siberian Husky
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
Shiloh and Shelby's best friend Sunshine came over to play!! We don't have a lot of snow, but they had fun zooming around in the backyard! It's so funny to watch Shelby run so fast away from Sunshine. They have so much fun together!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Memory Monday
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dog Whisperer's Pit Bull, Daddy Passes Away
Daddy was a role model of canine good behavior. He was so amazing to watch on TV.
Here is the Tribute that was posted on the National Geographic Youtube Channel.
Daddy, you will be missed! Cesar and the rest of your family are all in our hearts
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Shelby goes to the Dog Park!
We have a new Indoor Dog Park opening in our hometown which is awesome because we don't even have an outdoor dog park! I am friends with the people who are opening it, so we got to go check it out! I took Shelby and left Shiloh home for the first visit. Shelby hasn't played with to many other dogs, and I just wanted to be sure that she would be well behaved.
She did awesome! She played with Max, Sophie, Ella, and Maxwell! As you can see there is a agility course there too! Shelby is going to start learning how to do agility!! Won't that be fun!!!
We can't wait for our next visit to the Dog Park!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Another fun Week!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
On Saturday Feb 13th, and Sunday Feb 14th, we attended another Sled Dog Race here in our hometown! It was the first Thunder Bay Classic Sled Dog Race! This time we attended both days of the races! We even got to help a few of the teams with their dogs! It was so much fun!
What an awesome sight! This video includes 3 Dog Teams, 5 Dog Teams, 7 Dog Teams and Skijorning. There was a weight pulling event also, but we had to leave before that started.
Check out for more information on the group!
Thanks so much for watching!
Music used with Permission from Nathan Wills
Monday, February 15, 2010
No Change in the Nose
Sorry for the short blog today. I haven't been feeling to well. Time to go watch some TV with my girls.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
Every so often I like to make Homemade Dog Treats for Shiloh and Shelby. This time we made Valentine Dog Cookies! And here is the recipe so you can make some for your dogs!
1 1/2 Cups Wheat Flour
1/2 Cup Rolled Oats
1/4 Cup Carob Powder
1 Tablespoon ground Flax Seed (Optional)
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Water
1 Tablespoon Honey
In a small bowl combine the wheat flour, rolled oats, carob, flax seed, and baking powder. Set aside. In a separate bowl beat together the egg, water, and honey. Add the dry ingredients and mix until well blended and forms a stiff dough.
Place on floured surface and roll to desired thickness. Cut into heart shapes. Bake at 300 degrees. If rolled to 3/8" baking time is 30 minutes to 35 minutes.
Tip: Make these valentine dog treats something really special by drizzling with carob. Melt carob chips in the microwave or double boiler and drizzle over treats.
Music by Nathan Wills
Friday, February 12, 2010
Woo Woooo Friday!
What a week it has been! My laptop arrived at the repair center today, so hopefully that will be fixed soon. I really miss it! So does Shelby! She always sits with me when I am on it. . and now she is confused because I am always at my desk instead of on the couch when I work!
We took Shiloh to the vet on Tuesday. She has a crack on both sides of her nose that is open and red. They told us that she may have a vitamin defficiency, but he isn't sure. He said she is on a really good quality food, so it might be something else. So I have to put A & D ointment on it for the next two weeks to see if it helps. So far. . it hasn't helped. He said the next step will be high does vitamins, and then if that doesn't work, he has to do some kind of biopsy. I tell ya, Shiloh has always been the one to give us the issues when it come to going to the vet. Every few months it's something new with her, since the day we got her! From Food allergies, to digestive infections, to anal glands being impacted, oh. . she has been a sick dog her whole life. Sometimes I just feel so bad for her!
Anyway, on a good note, we did go to the new Indoor Dog Park that is opening up in our area! We are friends with the owner, so we get sneak peaks! Tuesdays video will have a few shots of it in it. What fun that was. I was so happy to see Shiloh actually playing with other dogs. Normally she is a bit . . well. . shy hehehe.
So that is our week! Tomorrow we are going to watch the Thunder Bay Classic Sled Dog races not to far from our house. So that will be fun! Oh and tomorrow's video will be us making "Chocolate" Valentine Dog cookies! The girls helped me make them yesterday (and they are made with Carob, not chocolate duh!)
So happy Friday to all of our friends! We hope to gain more followers soon! Oh one more thing, we hi 300 subscribers on our Youtube Channel this week! How exciting! Have a good weekend everyone!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Shiloh & Shelby go to PetSmart! Siberian Husky
To see more of our Beautiful Huskies, Check out our Channel and Please subscribe!
So since my Laptop broke and I am waiting on it to get shipped back from the warranty center, I decided it was time to upgrade my Desktop! So we headed over to Traverse City which is 135 miles away from where we live. We decided to take Shiloh and Shelby and treat them to a trip to PetSmart!
Shelby has never been in a PetSmart! So this was her first experience. Shiloh has been a few times in her life, so it wasn't anything new to her. They each picked out a few bones and were happy! So enjoy watching their shopping trip to PetSmart!
Monday, February 8, 2010
8 Years ago Today
When Shiloh arrived at the store, she was terrified of people, loud noises, and she had green stuff coming out of her eyes, nose, and rear. She was a sick puppy. They put her on all kinds of medicine. Because I knew she was a special case, every day when I came into work, I would take her into the puppy room and play with her. She always hid in the furthest corner away from me. She would just tremble like crazy!
The decision was made that we would take her home. As soon as the company heard that, they decided she was still worth money. So not only did we have to pay the full price for her, we were now stuck with this sick and terrified puppy.
When we got home, she hid underneath our coffee table for the first few days. We would put her food and water just outside the edges of the table, but she felt safe there, so we didn't presure her too much.
When she saw grass for the first time it was so amazing! I don't think she had ever seen it! She probably lived her whole young life inside of a cage. She was a very strange husky puppy. She was not very hyper, only seldom did she get excited, and because everything scared her, she was easy to train. I think we potty trained her in two weeks because she didn't like to hear the word no.
Shiloh was born in a Puppy Mill in Dixion Missouri. She was taken from her mom around 3 - 4 weeks of age, put on a semi-truck, and shipped to Phoenix, Arizona. From there she was put in a van and dropped off at the store in Tucson. Shortly after we purchased Shiloh, I was fired from that pet store, for telling a woman how sick the puppy was that she had just purchased. It was worth getting fired. Everything you hear about pet stores is true. The puppies are in deplorable conditions, and even though the stores may look clean, so much goes on behind the walls that you don't see.
Shiloh is 8 years old. She has officially lived with us for 8 years. She is the best friend a person could ever ask for. I hope she makes it at least another 8 years, if not more. I love her very very much.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Siberian Husky in a Shelter, Needs a Home!
(Yes, My laptop is still broken)
This morning I visited our local animal shelter to take some videos for their Youtube Channel I am working on. There is a Siberian Husky there named Chico, who I found fitting to introduce you to.
Chico is about 10 years old. He is a male, unneutered Siberian Husky. He is a sweetheart! He was an owner turnover. Apparently he kept getting out and running away, so the owner just gave up on him and turned him over to the Shelter.
He has been at the Shelter for almost 6 months now. The Huron Humane Society of Alpena is a no-kill Shelter. They do everything they can to find homes for these animals.
If you would like to make a donation to the HHS in honor of Chico the paypal address is
We know everyone is tight on money right now. If you can think of another way you want to help, Private message me!
Shiloh and Shelby would love to help Chico find a home.
Thanks so much for watching!
Music used with Permission from Nathan Wills
Friday, February 5, 2010
Huskies on the Couch!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Blog Theme
Shiloh and Shelby had a relaxing evening this morning. Just kind of laid around all night! Shelby is currently under my husbands desk, and Shiloh is under mine. Silly girls!
Oh, and the computer guy was able to save the Data off of my harddrive (Well most of it), so now I just have to send out my Laptop to be repaired by Acer! Whoo Hooo!
All our Love
Shiloh, Shelby, and Their Mom
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Hello to all of our New Followers!
And thanks to HuffleMason for promoting us!! Here is our latest Youtube Video